Restorative Dentistry

Restoration and Dental Makeovers
An unattractive, unhealthy smile can negatively impact your life in many ways. Lack of confidence in your appearance may make you want to smile less often, which can dampen your mood and outlook. Chronic pain from TMJ dysfunction can make you feel tired and depressed. Missing teeth can negatively affect your self-confidence and your ability to comfortably eat and speak. Whatever your dental problem, with modern dentistry, Dr. Chen can give you a beautiful, healthy, comfortably functioning smile that will last for decades to come.

Reasons for Dental Restoration
When patients have missing or severely damaged teeth, extreme bite imbalances, or other significant dental issues, restoration may be required to re-establish oral health and function. Dental makeovers can treat gum disease, alleviate discomfort from lost teeth, severe decay, or chronic bruxism, repair/remove faulty dental work, and more, so you can enjoy a beautiful and lasting smile.

Your Personal Consultation
Dr. Chen always begins with a consultation so he can learn about your concerns and desires. How do you feel about your smile and oral health? Does anxiety or fear play a role when you seek and receive dental care?

Once the doctor understands your concerns and desires, he’ll perform an evaluation of your oral health by conducting a comprehensive oral exam and reviewing X-rays. He will explain his findings and recommendations, and the two of you will work together to devise a practical plan of action that takes into consideration your physical, emotional and financial comfort.